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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  October 5, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PDT

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they showed no mercy. >> absolutely not. mixing religion, high skool sports and enthusiasm of cheerleaders how it led to a legal dispute. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out.
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♪ rah, rah, rah. there is a battle brewing in a texas town over the role of religion in football. the team's cheerleaders have been encouraging the players with bible verses printed on the banners of those players at the run-through at the start of the game. >> that didn't go over well with the school, and they banned the banners. the girls sued. the judge has given them two more weeks. abc's ryan owens takes a look at the controversy. >> reporter: in this small texas town they worship two things, god and football. so perhaps it only seemed natural the cheerleading squad at the high school would paint bible verses on the banners the players run through at every game.
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>> we wanted to encourage the boys. >> reporter: it offended some one. the person complained to a atheist group. it amounted to a school advocating a religion. that is unconstitutional. >> it is not a christian school. they can not misuse their authority. >> reporter: in response the school superintendent forced them to stop the scriptures, so the cheerleaders put down the pom-poms, and picked up the phonie calling an attorney. he argues the banners are not school sponsored, that the girls came up with the idea by looking at the social networking website pinterest. they saw cheerleaders in georgia did the same thing a few years ago. it turned out they were banned by their school too. >> it was student led and student initiated. >> reporter: this community is now cheering for the cheerleaders. signs of support are all over town. and online. this facebook page dedicated to their fight now has nearly 50,000 followers, that's 25 times more people than live here.
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when people say, these people came to a football game, not to church, what do you say? >> i mean they have the right to say whatever they want to say. but it's our religion and we want to portray that. >> reporter: ryan owens, abc news, texas. >> religion and public life always is a hot debate. >> you never have anything -- it's not a quiet. one side or the other. no in between. >> very little gray in that one. the judge said he need a few more weeks to issue a final ruling. he will allow the banners to continue on the field. next time this will hit court, october 18th for a hearing. we will see what he says. >> yeah, a lot of people watching this one. >> there we go. we see them. we found a picture of you. >> my high school. look at those thighs. wow. >> looking toned and fit there, reena. >> i failed, by the way, my cheerleading tryouts. it's like, she's out the door. she is not the cheerleader.
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>> i like the picture. ahead our friday morning version of "insomniac theater." >> today a live quest, director of the new movie called "smashed." that's getting rave reviews up next. >> go, reena, go, reena. >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from o
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>> we tur now we turn to a special edition of "insomniac theatre." >> a new film debuted at sundance getting amazing reviews, "smashed" an alcoholic school teacher decide to get sober. >> the plot, the couple, kate, charlie, they share a lot of things but maybe their common bond is drinking. she decides to get sober. leads to a series of event. an intimate look at their relationship and family life. joining us to talk more about the movie, getting a ton of great press and good buzz, one
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and only director of the movie james ponsoldt. thank you for being here. >> appreciate you having me. >> good to have a live human on "insomniac theater." what was the motivation for the movie? >> "smashed" started as a conversation between myself and susan burke, co-writer, sharing stories of things we had done when we were drunk if i have a lot. she has more the a wonderfully hilarious comedian, sober, stopped drinking in her early 20s. going to aa. experiences events were inspired by her own life. >> you have an all-star cast. >> yeah, really amazing cast. we have aaron paul, mary elizabeth winsett, nick offerman, megan mulaney. who is his wife who everyone knows as well as mary kay place who everyone knows. >> how did you get people to sign up? this is like an all-star cast. >> we begged, knocked on their doors, harassed them. they're artists really excited to play parts in a film they really cared about.
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>> what was the important part, to you as a director in terms of showing the evolution of this, particularly kate and struggles with alcohol, her family, what was important for you to capture about that? what do you want people to walk away having said, ah, i get it? >> we are interested in not making a social issue film, or a feel bad film, or something that should fell good like a bowl of oatmeal, we wanted humor, that didn't make them broken. it could be any one you know. it really is a story, struggle, redemption in a youtube age of drunk people on the internet. it >> we all have a friend, battled addiction, one form or another. >> that's right. >> octavia spencer was on "the tonight show" talking about how she kind of got into character. take a listen. >> you don't drink.
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did you do research for the role? what did you do? >> i don't drink, jay. what does it feel like to be drunch. i would drink a glass of wine and fall asleep. and i always forgot what it felt like to be drunk. >> that's character prep people can relate to. >> what is the sense, alcoholism is such a heavy topic, how do you turn that into what you have created here? >> i think if you spend time in alcoholic anonymous meetings, you realize there's a lot of humor. that's how people use hue hor to process grief and deal with pain. people have shared experiences through that. i think it also allows an audience to sort of access and an ability to sort of deal with subjects that can be really tough and doesn't just make you feel horrible, actually allows you to talk about your own use. >> congratulations here. one, the movie did well at sundance. early buzz, oscar buzz for lead character, so far. one, congratulations. how does it feel to be, you know in the spotlight this, we have a few seconds left. >> it's very exciting. beautiful cast. and excited for accolade that
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actors are getting they gave great performances. >> officially opens? >> october 12, in new york and los angeles. and will expand nationwide after that. >> thank you for being here. go check it out. a good one. we'll be back. we'll be back. um, hello.
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♪ ha-ha-ha-ha-ha some say president obama's performance in wednesday night's debates were no laughing matter, but there are some men who would disagree with that. >> they are esteemed pundits of political humor, icons of late night laughter and a lack now at what they had to say. >> he just told the moderator who works at pbs, i'm going to throw your ass out on the street, old man! you -- not only you, but all of those free loloading muppets. that takes not just one ball,
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but two, two enormous balls. ha-ha-ha! >> mitt romney won the debate last night, which means president obama lost two fights on his anniversary last night. the president seemed a little bit out of it last night. he had all the enthusiasm of a husband talking to his wife's friends at a dinner party. he kept looking down and frowning. it was like he was trying to find something on apple maps. the only thing that could have salvaged obama's performance is if the body of bin laden could have fell from the ceiling onto the stage. >> obama could have waterboarded alladin, put down blue, deported dora the explorer and won walking away. romney won with the sound off.
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look up, look up. what are you writing's so important? oh, that's -- that is impressive work. >> oh, my gosh, i love that. >> finally, to another race, one as close as the presidential contest. >> family circle's, cookie bake-off, ann romney's m & m, versus michelle obama's white and dark chocolate chip cookies. >> another waner by 51 pptd 5% to 41.5%, 287 votes, michelle obama takes the sweep. here's a look at the cookies. 9,000 readers weighed in. the bake-off has been a bellwether of the elect, four out of five elections. makes me hungry. >> first lady's cookies did better than the president. it was rough. >> we'll be back. rough. >> we'll
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you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out.
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this morning on "world news now" -- romney's reversal. the candidate now says his comments about the 47% were 100% wrong. >> he is trying to build on his debate momentum, while president obama tries to regroup. it is friday, october 5th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm reena ninan in for paula faris today. >> paula's off spending a little time with her sister who's in town. enjoy the long weekend, ms. faris. your first time on the overnights. you got to abc news, how many months ago? >> six months now. >> yes, you are still learning the ropes. around here. >> still learning the ropes. i will take any tips you can offer. >> yeah. >> is there a little sheet you can pass off to me?
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>> there's bathrooms up there, and there's bathrooms down there. the snack room is up there. my tips. based in d.c., you are with us tonight. >> that's right -- looking forward to it. spending the morning with you, so early in the morning. is this night or morning? haven't figured it out? >> the fact that you have two very young kids at home, i'm impressed that you're still awake and smiling. i tip my hat. >> thank you, rob. thank you. >> nice to have you here. good morning, everybody, i'm a rob nelson. we'll get the latest from the campaign trail in just a second. also this half hour, millions of drivers are watching gas prices soar out of sight. $6 a gallon on the horizon in the state of california. ouch. then welcome to the 1%. we'll meet the iowa couple who've just come forward to claim the $200 million powerball prize. >> what a dream moment. find out, i hit those numbers. $200 million. >> i tell myself, it's 50% tax. don't feel bad. if you don't win the lottery. >> i will take the $100 million. make it work for a couple months. later on in the half hour,
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the diva drama on "american idol" still spinning out of control. nicki minaj versus mariah carey. and our own barbara walters has a huge scoop about a threat involving a gun. yeah, things got that serious. that's coming up in "the skinny". stay tuned. first, a major admission from mitt romney, the candidate now saying the remarks he made about the 47% were completely wrong. >> the reversal as romney tries to capitalize on his winning debate performance earlier this week. it is a critical time now with just over a month until election day. abc's t.j. winick covering the campaign for us. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: good morning, rob and reena. mitt romney rose to the occasion by all accounts on wednesday night, and now he looks to continue the momentum. seen by many political analysts and average voters as the winner, political challenger, mitt romney echoed his performance. >> he will raise taxes on small business which will kill jobs. i instead want to keep taxes down on small business so we can create jobs. >> reporter: it will be a few
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days before we'll know if romney's strong debate performance will translate into higher poll numbers. romney stumped in virginia for an early evening rally. >> when paul ryan and i get to washington, we will begin a real recovery that will put america back to work again. >> reporter: reaction from the president's supporters was immediate. >> i felt like he should have been more aggressive. >> reporter: mr. obama targeted what he said was the real difference between the quote, real mitt romney's budget plan and what his opponent said on stage. >> the fact is governor romney's math just doesn't add up. and i had to spend a lot of time last night trying to -- pin it down. he traveled to wisconsin where he told the second rally -- >> i want to make sure i got this straight. he'll get rid of regulations on wall street, but he's going to crack down on ""sesame street."" >> reporter: in a brutally frank admission the obama campaign said they will make strategic changes after the disappointing debate performance wednesday night.
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rob? reena? >> thanks a lot, t.j. interesting stat on the debates. 67 million people tuned in. it was the most watched debate since 1992, take you back, that was clinton. clinton. the first president bush, and ross perot. remember ross perot? that was -- that was quite an election. >> lots of fodder for "saturday night live." >> whew, was it. i think it was dana car i have who did it. >> dana car i have, yeah. >> democratic operatives were hoping no one was watching the debate. which they knew wasn't the case. but -- >> people thought maybe 40 million, 50 million. 67 million no one expected the number. so that really compounds how bad it was. the president had a bad night that many people watching. again, that's momentum for romney to ride. he is. >> doesn't compare to the ratings for this show. nowhere near. nowhere near. >> 67 million. child's play for the overnight. please. well, a disagreement over politics got so heated that police say a south florida man slapped his own wife. 74-year-old jay hurley broke
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down in tears as he appeared before a broward county judge. hurley says he loves his wife but they got into an argument over dinner about the candidates. he has been ordered to stay away from her until another court appearance. whew, folks it ain't that serious. calm down. wow. >> revved up. american airlines is canceling or delaying dozens of flights today in order to fix that dangerous safety problem involving seats. the carrier says it has figured out what was causing those seats to become loose. >> we had a very unique situation of a floor mounting track that had become somewhat worn and it was coked up with drinks, sodas, things that had spilled down over time, causing the seats to become dislodged. american mechanics have to fix the air crafts. all the work expected to be done by tomorrow. frightening scene in downtown san antonio after a school bus crashed through a highway guardrail and plunged nearly 20 feet onto the doorstep of a hotel below. the bus broke in two when it landed.
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amazingly, though, two adults and only a child on board suffered relatively minor injuries. lucky, lucky. >> very lucky there. gas prices are going up across the country, but in california, they're soaring to a panic level. hovering near the $6 mark. parts of the states are seeing prices at the pump nearing the highest price this year, jumping 8 cents in one night. the uptick is being blamed on the supply problem due to refinery and pipeline outages. >> i have never seen $5.99, f a gallon. that's insane. >> it's a really terrible week for gas prices. and the worst week we have ever had in october i can remember. >> independent gas station owners have been hit hard, they're forced to buy gas at daily rates and some say their profit is maybe just around 10% a gallon. >> that is absolutely crazy. 10 cents a gallon profit. that's insane. $6 a gallon. talking, people freaking out
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over $5. now $6 -- could get up to $6 in the west. a state that doesn't rely on public transportation. drivers in the west feeling it. >> i would say get a vespa. i wanted to get a vespa. i live in the city. always wanted -- never told my parents or husband. secretly wanted a red vespa. >> you would drive it, you think it is cute, or friendly. >> cute, easy to snip in and out. my mother would be like terrified to know that. >> you know it's a glorified moped, but it is good on $6 a gallon of gas. that's for sure. >> that's right. moving on to other news. a new wildfire burning out of control in washington start. is now threatening a dozen homes. the fire which is being fueled by bone dry conditions quickly scorched 150 acres, 40 miles southwest of seattle. some people were forced to evacuate. others have been put on notice. officials say no part of that fire has yet to be contained. also, people in fargo are bundling up this morning after getting their earliest snowfall in more than 25 years. the gusty winds made the snowfall seem a little more blustery. look at that.
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6,500 homes and businesses lost power in all that mess. parts of northern minnesota faired a lot worse. they got more than a foot of snow. man, talking about snow, and it's not even halloween yet. and it's october. oh, i hate cold weather. >> but i prefer cold over warm and humid. >> really? >> yeah. definitely. any day. any day. >> that's where we part ways, reena. give me 90 degrees and sweaty any day. all right. well, here's your friday forecast. that cold blast continues across the rockies, plains and midwest. chilly wet and windy from little rock and st. louis to chicago and buffalo. showers in orlando, miami. but humid along the gulf coast. >> summerlike on the east coast. 80s, in fact, from new york down to miami. yes. 50s from kansas city to detroit. 38 in billings and 41 in fargo. all right, well time now, a new gesture we do on the show for our "favorite story of the day."
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we stamp it like that, and look at the graphics team. it comes through like that. >> oh, good. >> beautiful, our favorite story of the day if you are a fan of all the cable tv wedding shows, you know. >> who isn't? >> nuptials turn into major productions. >> i love the show. they are low key and one-on-one. unusual if you are guy named brad who has a little bit in his blood, turning his proposal to emily into a full-blown epic. the cast included almost everyone they ever met. he finally ended up popping the question on the beach, by the way, evelyn did say yes. brad had fireworks ready to go as one would normally have for the proposal. you just -- they were topping each other over and over, youtube videos. >> it's crazy. you've got to keep up with the joneses when it comes to the engagement. how did your husband do it, subtle or -- >> it was pretty -- table mountain in capetown, south africa, had no idea it was coming.
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>> beautiful. >> i did tell him, honey, i'm getting married in september with or without you. you decide. >> you set the ultimatum. >> you can be the groom or you can eat some wedding cake and be a guest. you decide, babe. >> i like that. >> wedding in september. >> with or without you. i like that. well, coming up. rumors about j-lo, rocking a very prominent piece of jewelry. some rumors now about what she is up to. >> the iowa couple who did some homework before cashing in on a huge powerball prize. you're watching "world news now." ♪ money changes everything >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by cascade all-in-one complete. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by cascade all-in-one complete. yes, you do! don't! i've washed a few cupcake tins in my day... oh, so you're a tin expert now. whoa nelly! hi, kitchen counselor here. he's actually right... with cascade complete. see cascade complete pacs work like thousands of micro-scrubbing brushes
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. with such power, [ rumbling, people screaming ]
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if if you have a pulse, it is a sf if you have a pulse, it's probably a dream of yours to win millions in the lottery. >> please. last week, the powerball jackpot was $200 million. yesterday the couple who won it stepped into the spotlight. we get more now from reporter phil craisen in des moines, iowa. >> ladies and gentlemen, it's time to announce, iowa's newest millionaires! [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: they walked down an aisle made by friends and family to claim their money thursday. >> so she called me at breakfast, and i didn't believe her. didn't believe her boss. >> mary is a medical assistant at mercy hospital, and brian is an attorney at a local insurance company.
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but the new millionaires found out they won, and both took a leave of absence. mary may go back to work, she loves it. brian is still debating. >> we also had a wedding that weekend with good friends. able to get out of town, digest it as well as -- enjoy the wedding. >> their wedding gift got a lot better. >> one of the first things they did was go straight to their lawyer. they came up with a basic plan to save a lot, spend some, and donate a good deal of it to charity, including their church. >> everybody give a whoo-hoo, one, two, three. >> reporter: they're trying to not let the money go to their heads especially with their young kids. >> one, they're going to get a lot more dates, which is important to the 15-year-old. but just stay grounded and, you know, don't change the way we have raised them. >> our thanks to the reporter. that brings us to this morning's facebook question. >> we want to know how would you spend $200 million? the question everyone loves to talk about over the water cooler.
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right? log onto our facebook page, to let us know. what would you do? what would be your one indulgent gift? >> a fantastic house some where in the middle of some tropical paradise. >> amen. we ear on the same page for that. absolutely. look, there we are. rob and reena, $2 million. >> love it. just 1% of that. >> fine. i'll take the 99%. i said 1% and you said you'll take the 99%? how does that work? i know i am new to the show. >> that's how it works. seniority, baby. nice to think about. oh, man. coming up next, more rumor s circulating about rihanna and chris brown. >> and the "american idol" diva intensifies next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world n
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny welcome back, everybody. we have been talking all this week about an apparent feud going on behind "american idol" nicki minaj and mariah carey. two new judges for the season. showed you the video, telling each other offer. more like nicki was telling mariah carey off. it got very, very heated. apparently we're learning how bad it god. prior to the taping of "the view" on thursday, barbara walters, our own here at abc,
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interviewed mariah wasn't on the show. barbara got on the show and kind of relayed what mariah told her in the interview how bad things really got. take a listen. >> she said when nicki minaj walked off the set, multiple people heard nicky say if i had a gun, i would shoot [ bleep ]. mariah says she can't take a chance and she has hired extra security. nicki has not apologized, but they've since been together at meetings with producers and judges. >> it's very intense. that got real scary. apparently nicki responded on twitter, i don't call tmz and barbara walters because i stand on my own two feet. never needed an army. god is good. insecurity is as cruel as the the grave. guess it hurts to have producers tell you to your face that nicki is the best judge since simon. oh, poor you, keep them lies coming. >> ow. ow. >> i don't know what's going on. rough behind the scenes, which will help ratings of course.
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>> yeah, little something intertwined. >> stay tuned. >> well, chris brown, rihanna. >> more drama. you know, we thought it was oth over. you remember the whole incident with them, getting into it. and, well, apparently he's dumped his girlfriend/model. and he is back with rihanna, the rumors. they were at a jay-z concert. they were seen hooking up. >> hooking up at a club in new york. >> so, are they back together? are they not? he dumped the girlfriend apparently. >> that's the big development this morning. he is out of there. spotted leaving her hotel. spotted getting their groove on in the hotel. breaking up with his girlfriend. he said he broke up with her because of his friendship with rihanna. think what you will about that one but you saw how it ended the first time, right? and we saw the debate. the debates go on and on and on. tmz caught up with jim lehrer moderator of the debate. there was this whole controversy over the debaters, the moderators are not supposed to sort of step into the debates and be kind of quiet.
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maybe was jim lehrer a little too quiet? tmz caught up. this is what he had to say. >> do you feel you were disrespected by president obama and governor romney? >> i didn't expect much. >> they worried that he was treated like a doormat was part of the possibility. >> yeah. they both kind of ran right over him. give me more time. i'm going to continue. jim didn't seem to have a lot of control in the debate. >> it's hard, though, rob. >> it's intimidating. how do you tell the president, how do you control that? has to be a better way. other people have done a better way. i don't think other moderators, whether it's our own martha raddatz or candy crowley, i think you would have seen a different tone. >> should have considered simon cowell. for this role. exactly. >> exactly. >> who was on -- >> jim, 12th, perhaps final. real quick news here. j-lo in paris for fashion week, sporting a huge rock. couldn't get the picture -- couldn't afford it. spent all money on tacos. a huge rock. rumors she will marry caspar smart, backup dancer, rocking a
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big ring at the show. apparently husband number 18 could be on the way for jennifer lopez. lopez. could be on the way for jennifer lopez. ldberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral to see a specialist. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans
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endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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♪ last friday night ♪ yeah we danced on table tops ♪ last friday night ♪ yeah we danced on table tops ♪ and we took too many shots i think we kissed but i forgot ♪ ♪ last friday night >> we both are getting too old to remember who sings that. i'm totally blanking. katy perry. thank you. >> oh, katy perry. >> there we go. from politics to airline anxiety, to a high-profile broken marriage. >> time for our look back at a memorable week. here is our "friday rewind." >> i know folks in the media are speculating already on who is going to have the best zingers. >> you are. >> i don't know about that. no, no. governor romney is a good debater. >> president obama is a very gifted speaker. the man has been on the national stage for many years. >> i have absolute confidence when we get to thursday morning, george, all of you will be shaking your head saying it's a
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brand-new race with 33 days to go. >> under the president's policies, middle-income americans have been buried, they're just being crushed. i will not under any circumstances raise taxes on middle-income families. >> now, five weeks before the election, he is saying that his big bold idea is never mind. >> this time he seemed just a little bit detached. didn't want to be there. >> knowing he is behind. he need to win. came in and fought the fight stylistically. i think he put the president on the defensive a number of times. >> the seats flipped backward, and so people were essentially on the laps of the passengers behind them with their legs up in the air. >> i have never seen anything like that in all my years, 30 years of covering the airline industry. >> you say you are optimistic that you and maria will one day be together. how can you find that optimism? >> i always was an optimistic person. i think that it is because it's -- everyone is interested in
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that. i'm sure that -- maybe maria didn't say that, but i'm sure that maria wishes we could all be together. >> e ethel kennedy was asked what she would think of having you as a daughter-in-law and she said we could be so lucky. she said, "we would be so lucky." >> she is fantastic. i love her. >> you know nothing about me, but what you see on the outside. and i am much more than a number on a scale. >> kids are bullying do not let them bring you down. stand up for what you believe in. go with your heart. go with your gut. >> amazing what goes down in the course of a week, huh. >> fascinating to watch. >> and finally, we know why we are up this e. so we've been asking you to tweet us your pictures showing us what you're doing at this hour. >> within reason. >> within
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this morning on "world news now -- was the shooting death of a u.s. border patrol agent actually a case of friendly fire? >> the focus shifts in the investigation in the death to a remote and dangerous stretch of arizona. it's friday, october 5th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning and happy friday. thank you, lord. we made it to friday again. i'm rob nelson. we have new blood on the desk. >> i'm excited to be here. i'm reena ninan in for paula faris, who has the day off today. >> sister is in town. chilling out, having some family time, which is good. you are up here based in d.c.
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>> based in washington. >> six months with abc. >> yeah, only six months. >> shout out to the nation's capital this morning. >> i love washington. it's great. interesting time to be there with elections. we have a lot going on. >> slightly political town i hear. d.c. >> absolutely. >> down to the food even, there are some restaurants with political sort of options things. >> she has two very little ones at home. bless her for being up with us. you are a mother. how old are the kids? >> the kids are 20 months and 10 weeks. >> imagine that. kaf nate up. hang in there. we'll get to our top story, the family of the border patrol agent is speaking out. we'll get to that in just a second on this friday morning. in a moment, a nationwide warning as the outbreak of deadly meningitis is spreading. and then, also mitt romney says, he was wrong, actually, he says his comments about the 47%, he is taking those things, comments from the secret tape head on. meanwhile president obama trying to shake off a lackluster night. in denver for sure. >> still talking about the
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debate. later, 50 years ago today marking half a century since the fab four's first single changed music and the world. >> talk about timeless songs. absolutely one of them too. wait till you see the kids in the piece. who are like -- what is that? you know, it's like grandpa's music to them. >> itunes, baby. >> that's right, exactly. they will learn one day, right? new developments in the shooting death of a patrol agent. federal investigators are now trying to figure out if nicholas ivy died at the hands of a fellow officer. >> the 30-year-old father of two was shot and killed this week just north of the mexico/arizona border. suspicion immediately fell on drug smugglers, and mexican officials even arrested two men as investigators considered friendly fire. ivy's family is focusing on their loss. >> we've been so preoccupied with the grief of the loss, we really haven't had time to be angry at anything. it is what it is. i won't bring nick back.
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>> homeland security secretary janet napolitano heads to arizona today to express condolences to the ivy family and will meet with investigators. we turn to the growing meningitis outbreak. federal health investigators are warning doctors any medicine from a now closed massachusetts pharmacy should not be used. the pharmacy is thought to be the source of contaminated steroids that caused a rare form of meningitis. abc's steve osunsami has more. >> reporter: doctors worry this outbreak of fungal meningitis is spreading potentially affecting more than 1,000 americans recent ly treated for back pain with needles tainted by a fungus during manufacturing. >> contaminated manufacturing was a steroid put into a syringe. >> reporter: anyone who has received a steroid injection in the spine since july should check with their doctor to see if it is from a tainted source. >> early anti-fungal treatment can improve the outcomes of these patients. >> reporter: ground zero is this
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specialty pharmacy in massachusetts where the steroid injections were made. investigators shut down the new england compouding but it may haveped 3 doctors say this is a rare form of meningitis wmptoo cf and it kills by swelling the brain. >> reporter: it is not contagious, butterly symptoms can be headaches, fever, a stiff neck, and it can take anywhere from a week to a month to develop. so health officials are on high alert. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. to politics now where mitt romney is making a major admission overnight. romney told fox news that he was 100% wrong in his comments about the 47% of americans who don't pay taxes. >> now and then you are going to say something that doesn't come out right. in this case i said something that's just completely wrong, and i absolutely believe, however, that my life has shown that i care about 100%. and that's been demonstrated throughout my life. and this whole campaign is about the 100%. when i become president.
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>> until now romney said he stood by the comments but called them inelegant. >> while romney is trying to capitalize on his debate performance, president obama meanwhile on the defensive over his adviser's promise a change before the second debate next week. with just 32 days now till the big vote, every move is critical. as abc's jake tapper reports. >> reporter: before a crowd of 12,000 in denver, the president tried to turn his opponent's polished debate performance into proof of his phoniness. >> when i got onto the stage, i met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be mitt romney, but the real mitt romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy. >> reporter: but in the audience many of the president's supporters expressed bewilderment at his passive performance. >> i felt like he should have been more aggressive. >> i didn't understand his strategy and thought, you know,
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i wondered what was going on. >> reporter: sources tell abc news the president's strategy was a calculated decision not to risk appearing unpresidential by attacking romney on say that video insulting 47% of the country as irresponsible victims. his aides advised him to focus on policy, such as romney's effort to distance himself from his own tax proposal. >> for 18 months he has been running on this tax plan. and, now, five weeks before the election, he is saying that his big bold idea is never mind. >> reporter: but now top democrats and liberal pundits bemoan a missed opportunity. >> i don't know what he was doing out there. he had his head down. he was enduring the debate rather than fighting it. >> it looked like romney wanted to be there, president obama didn't want to be there. >> reporter: some blamed denver's high elevation for the president's performance. >> when you go to 5,000 feet -- >> exactly. >> -- and you only have a few hours to adjust, i don't know.
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>> that's interesting. >> reporter: the president spent much time looking down at his podium and taking notes and squandered easy opportunities to go after romney such as this moment. >> i like pbs. i love big bird. i actually like you too. but i am not going to keep on spending money on things to borrow money from china to pay for it. a wide opening. the president took more than 14 hours to come up with a comeback. >> thank goodness, somebody is finally getting tough on big bird. it's about time. >> reporter: many top democrats suggest one of the problems may be one common to incumbents, the president has lived in a bubble for four years, surrounded by adulation and rarely challenged. the obama campaign acknowledged they will conduct a reassessment before the next debate. jake tapper, abc news, traveling with the president in madison, wisconsin. >> i think that's such a fascinating point. so true if you think about it. the president in his four years, you don't stand next to someone saying you are wrong. >> so challenged. >> and that has to be a very different situation and mindset for the president. it was an interesting point.
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>> you know what i want to know, rob? what panch of the country understood anything in that debate taxes, you know, economics, way over everyone's head, right? >> needed a calculator for the first 35 minutes. >> could have been in yiddish, wouldn't have understood it any better. >> really policy. loses people. you know you have two wonkish guys running for president. they know policy. that comes across as some one authoritative, knowledgeable. next week will be different. we have joe and mr. ryan going at it. >> that will be interesting. you think if they had britney spears as a moderator, that might have been a little more interesting, she would have broken it down, instead of jim lehrer. >> whatever it takes to keep americans' attention, right? shifting gears to some foreign news this morning, the u.n. security council is condemning syria after an artillery strike on a turkish border town that killed five civilians. syria has since apologized but fears about a possible cross-border war have now triggered protests. riot police used tear gas and
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water cannons to break up protest near turk year's parliament building. firefighters are struggling to contain a wildfire threatening dozens of homes in washington state. the fire fueled by bone dry conditions quickly scorched 150 acres. some people in the town of shelton, 40 miles from seattle, were forced from their homes. others were put on notice to be ready to get out. american airlines is canceling dozens of flights just before the holiday weekend. as it scrambles to fix loose passenger seats. airline executives are not blaming the problem on its own work force. they claim it's a combination of wear and even poor design and spilled soda krks you believe that, causing seat clamps to fail. the repairs should be made by tomorrow.clamps to fail. the repairs should be made by tomorrothat, causing seat clamp fail. the repairs should be made by tomorrow. 30-year loans are now 3.36%. >> be careful with your sodas. >> and coffee. major financial headline this morning, record low rates for mortgage loans. the rates fell for a second week
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in a row. 15-year fixed rate mortgages are just under 2.7%. 30-year loans are now 3.36%. analysts say it is a sign the federal reserve stimulus plan is having an ipact and yet another milestone for facebook. ceo mark zuckerberg says the social network now tops 1 billion active users every month. that amounts to nearly half of the world's nearly 2.5 billion users worldwide. despite facebook's recent troubles, of course, on the stock market, those numbers are incredibly remackable when you consider that less than nine years ago facebook was operating out of a dorm room on harvard's campus. >> doesn't everyone want that success story? you want to catapult something you think of, into this amazing thing from your bedroom. >> there's a wild backstory to it. i'm a total facebook junkie. totally. i am one of the billion. it's changed the world, in a lot of ways. >> is it too much sharing. i remember mi6, security agency in london, that the wife of the agent, the head, the guy heading it up, she posted pictures of
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him in bathing suit on facebook. running around. got to be careful, privacy settings. >> the thing everybody is worried about, advertising and privacy. that's the deal. going forward. a look at your weather on this holiday weekend. columbus day on monday. stormy and chilly, and in little rock to cincinnati, buffalo. thunderstorms across florida. lingering snow showers in northern minnesota. >> 47 in the twin cities. 50s in the midwest, central plains. 77 in dallas. 80s from new orleans to new york. and 60s from seattle to salt lake city. well, beekeepers in the region of france have a bizarre phenomenon on their hands. >> they say their bees are producing honey, get this, in shades of blue and green. they can't sell any of the rainbow-colored sweet stuff. a preliminary investigation links the problem to residue coming from a nearby m & ms plant. can you believe it? m & ms. blue and green honey, the latest headache for french bee keepers
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who are already coping with a dwindling supply following a harsh winter. i would eat that in a heartbeat. >> i think it would be really good. >> i'd put it on cereal, pour son milk on it. i don't care. >> colored honey. >> marshmallows. >> even bees love m & ms. >> i love them. >> we all have something. coming up next, who wants to sell a famous bloodied sock, and we'll tell you why. later, the first beatles' song, released 50 years ago, why the fab four had to fight to record it. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i will always be true ♪ so please please love me do >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by just for men auto stop. ♪ love love me do ♪
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now to sports, headlines, thtest labor dis
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now to sports headlines. the latest labor dispute in professional sports claimed the first two weeks of the regular season in the nhl. no games will be played until at least october 25th. the players have been locked out since september 15th. the big sticking point is how to split hockey-related revenue. the players now get 57% of that, but the owners want to drop it to 47%. >> oh, those poor millionaires, no. no. how will they eat? well, the winningest coach in college basketball says she felt forced out after she was diagnosed with early onset alzheimer's disease. in an affidavit, pat summit says the decision to step down was not her own. summit says she was told by university of tennessee athletic director that she would no longer be coach after 38 seasons. summit announced her retirement last april, eight months after her diagnosis. and do you remember this scene? curt schilling pitching for the
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red sox, 2004 world series with a bloody sock. well, now, schilling may have to sell that sock to pay back millions of dollars in loans. the money was for the video game venture, yeah, went bankrupt. >> uh-oh. the nfl's week five is under way. that means another round of "world news now" nfl picks competition. >> this is a cutthroat competition on the overnights. go to our web page, see the teams that paula, the commish, of course, jack, and i picked this week for week five. and cast your vote, competing against the fans this season as well. again, go click on that link. and let us know what you think. in terms of teams going to win this week. and not good enough to list your picks in the comments section, a separate link on the page. click that. and that will take you to the all-important vote. do that.
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>> okay, that's interesting. and while you're on our facebook page, check out the series all week, featuring some of new york city's coolest cuisines. >> a fun week. it's called "extreme eats." we had fun putting this one together. paula got a chance to make the perfect pickle at the pickle guys. you can see, she learned plenty about pickles. got down and dirty with the pickles. seeing this clip, doesn't do it justice. log onto, see all three parts of the series. we did pickles with paula, meatballs with me. one of our dnas, aa maanda, did doughnuts. yesterday. we didn't have pickles on the set for paula's piece. we have them now. >> why should paula have all the fun? >> pineapple pickles here. sweet pepper pickles. >> garlic olives something else. they do. that sounds good. and sour ones.
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which up are you going to try? go for it.
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well, it's one of the most iconic songs of our team, reaching a milestone. >> this is the 50th anniversary of the famous beatles song, "love me do." abc's david wright reports on the music magic. ♪ >> reporter: the song that would change rock 'n' roll history almost didn't. ♪ love love me do ♪ you know i love you >> reporter: this was supposed to be the beatles' debut single. ♪ how do you do what you do to me ♪ >> reporter: "how do you do it" by mitch murray, the beatles hated it. they begged to record one of their own songs. they did three takes, john, paul, george, and pete best. then pete was out. ringo came in. then a guy named andy white came in.
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ringo demoted to tambourine. ♪ so please love me do >> reporter: that's the version on their first american single. timeless? we think so. ♪ i know i love you come on. ♪ i'll always be true ♪ please ♪ love me do >> reporter: but to double check, we asked the experts at robert louis stevenson elementary school. mrs. ghoulding's fourth and fifth grade class. we are going to play a game "name that tune." the beatles are their grandparents' music. one hand shot up straight away. but from a lot of the others, blank stares. >> do you have any green day songs? [ laughter ] ♪ i will always be true >> reporter: it may not be on their ipods, but they couldn't resist the beat. ♪ love me do >> reporter: david wright, abc news, los angeles. >> addictive song. >> makes you feel old that they had no idea, the beatles.
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but at least it make use feel good they still caught the beat. they still look good. look, the comeback album. look at us, baby. >> look at that, wow. [ mother bear ] you're not using too much are you, hon?
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[ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you'll have to remind your family they can use less. it's made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft. how can the dishwasher do its job ? adding finish power up to your detergent brings your dishwasher back to life. dishwasher buildup, cloudiness, spots, even tough stains-- gone ! so don't give up. add finish power up. wow ! see the difference.
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welcome back, everybody. time for "the mix." of course,he talk th welcome back, everybody. time for "the mix." of course, all the talk this week since the debate is about everyone, favorite bird, big bird. >> superstar, big bird. well, you know, he actually sent out some interesting texts. he was the star when mitt romney said he is not going to borrow anymore and he would consider cutting funding to pbs, which, of course, is the host for big bird, and, so, creating lots of buzz in the twittersphere. #bigbird trending. he sent out this note on twitter, saying -- my bedtime is usually 7:45. but i was really tired yesterday and fell asleep at 7:00. did i miss anything last night? >> big bird caught off-guard. >> big bird in bed for his big
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debut. another one, today is brought to you by the letter "u" for unemployed. i love that one. >> then in the corner, saying will work for food. poor big bird, will end of in the trash can with oscar, he is so poor. oh. >> apparently they said his funding isn't entirely reliant on pbs. don't fret. he still has a future. he is safe. >> there is some security for big bird. regardless who is in office. >> very comforting to hear. hopefully somewhere resting up and he'll be okay. of course, it's friday. time for the polka. ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor guy and gal ♪ ♪ do the "world news" polka ♪
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>> i read the news today. oh, boy. ♪ ♪ who cares what the bosses think they're a goofy crew ♪ ♪ and if your neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell it's half past three tell them hey it's news to me ♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ♪ they make us work the graveyard shift that's why we go for broke ♪ ♪ so why not tune in abc and join our little joke ♪ ♪ five whole days every week ♪ we're here with a tongue in cheek that's the world news polka that's the world news polka do the world news polka ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪
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this morning on "world news now" -- airline anxiety. american airlines grounds half of its fleet of boeing 757 jets. >> those planes have problems with seats coming loose, and the airline is not blaming it on its work force. it's friday, october 5th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm reena nine nan in for paula faris. >> new blood at the desk. >> thank you, rob. it's nice. >> you watch the show. you have two young ones at home. >> i do. this is usually feeding time right about now. >> feels oddly normal. >> my husband is awake.
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>> good to have you, welcome. >> great to be here. >> happy friday, i'm rob nelson. the move by american airlines could impact holiday weekend travelers. we'll get the latest from investigators in just a second. that is our top story this friday. on top of that also federal agents crack down on doctors, nurses and medical professionals accused of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars. why this bus was so significant. also this morning cheerleaders known as the god squad. they bring christian enthusiasm to the high school football field, igniting a debate over religion in public schools. find out what a judge had to say about this. and later this half hour, a very special edition of "insomniac theatre." the director of the smash movi called "smashed" here with us live to talk about the film just about to open, and it's getting amazing reviews, even some oscar buzz. it rocked the house at sundance. and director is here to give us all the scoop on that.
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looks really, really good. and very real as well. so we'll have him right here at the desk in a few minutes. first more turbulence for american airlines as the carrier cancels dozens of flights over a safety issue. >> american now says it knows what causes locking mechanisms to fail and seats to become unhinged. now the problem has to be fixed. here's abc's jim av la. >> american has grounded half its fleet of 757s, its domestic long-range workhorse, taken out of service for a second round of faa monitored fixes to prevent passenger seats from becoming dislodged in the air. in one case they even fell over backwards. the airline's engineering team has decided the locking mechanism that secures the seats of the floor must be enhanced. >> we had a very unique situation of a floor mounting track that had become somewhat worn and it was coked up with drinks and sodas, things that had spilled over time, and it caused seats to become dislodged. >> a setback for american airlines, suffered record delays in september for what it blamed
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on labor troubles, claiming pilots intentionally caused delays twice as often as competitors, something the pilots union was denied. the seat issue ratcheted airline troubles to a safety issue. the seats on three flights had come unhinged. earlier this week american said it finished inspections but is ordering mechanics to fix the seats again wherever the 48 planes involved land next, a move that will cause cancellations and more delays through saturday. jim avila, abc news, washington. >> wow, what a rough few weeks for american. >> can you imagine? >> the bankruptcy, trouble with the pilots, and now all this. in case you're wondering about airlines out there, united airlines doesn't use the same kinds of seats. u.s. airways use different hardware. they're saying we are not having same problems. competitors like to say, we are all right. >> we're good. come join us. absolutely. i know. you can't get food on the plane. now you've got to bring your own
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seats is what it feels like. what is this coming to? >> for a fee. >> exactly. >> the fee. we will turn to the growing meningitis outbreak. linked to contaminated steroid from a massachusetts pharmacy. federal officials are warning doctors not to use any medicines made at the new england compounding pharmacy. at least six people have died, and there my be as many as 35 cases across six states. the victims became ill after getting a steroid shot for back pain. nearly 100 doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are facing federal fraud charges this morning as part of a seven-city crackdown on medicare scammers. abc's mark greenblat has those details. >> reporter: you're looking at the second medicare fraud bust in history. these miami arrests just some of the 91 doctors, nurses, and medical professionals taken down nationwide. all together, they stand accused of a whopping $430 million in fraud.
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>> such activities not only siphon precious taxpayer resources, drive up health care costs, and jeopardize strength of the medicare program, they also victimize the most vulnerable members of society, the elderly, disabled, and impoverished americans. >> reporter: in houston, president of river side general hospital and his son are part of the seven arrests here. accused of running $140 million kickback scheme where patients got gifts but often no medical care. another focus, stopping widespread ambulance fraud where the government gets billed for unnecessary or often nonexistent trips. but from brooklyn to los angeles, hundreds of federal agents strike together to send one clear message to crooks. >> health care fraud has never been a worse proposition than it is today. you're more likely to get caught if you do make a fraudulent claim. and when you do, you will pay a bigger price. now, one extreme case, federal officials say a doctor in dallas often signed stacks of documents without any review in a scheme to bring in as much money as fast as he could.
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mark greenblat, abc news, new york. >> how scary here, the way we work here. the doctors would give kickbacks to patients and then bill medicare for those kickbacks. that's kind of how they were collecting money here. but you hear all of the presidential contenders from this election and way back, talk about scouring the budget, getting rid of fraud. and here you go, but it's still going on, and it's costing all of us. >> you feel so vulnerable when you have gone into a hospital, you got this outlandish crazy bill, hear about something like this, it boils my blood when i hear about it. >> it does. it's so rampant and brazen. >> absolutely. >> arrogance of thinking they won't get caught, that someone won't say, wait a minute. >> check into it. i get furious when i hear the medical bills and medicaid stories, and social security even, we are never going to see social security, rob, by the way. >> no. >> 6% of your paycheck goes into it too. >> rob will be doing the show until 2096. so stay tuned. all right. moving on to some foreign news this morning, the u.n. security council is condemning a syrian artillery strike in a turkish border town that killed five
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people, kleincluding a woman an her three children. syria issued a formal apology for the deaths. fears about a possible across-border war sparked demonstrations in turkey. outside the parliament building, riot police used tear gas and water cannons to break up anti-war protesters. sources tell abc news federal investigators are trying to determine if friendly fire is to blame for this week's shooting death of a u.s. border patrol agent in arizona. nicholas ivy was killed in an area frequented by drug smugglers, and two men arrested in mexico yesterday may be linked to the attack. but investigators are not ruling out the possibility that he may have been accidentally shot by a fellow officer. meanwhile, ivy is being remembered fondly by his family. >> he lived his life as a life of service. everything from his mission, signing up as a volunteer emt for work in utah. >> homeland security secretary janet napolitano is heading to
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arizona today to express her condolences to the ivy family. she's also meeting with authorities about the investigation. we're also following a political story developing overnight. mitt romney now says his comments about the 47% of americans who don't pay income taxes were, quote, just completely wrong. that is a major reversal. up until now, romney stood by comments, only saying they were not elegantly stated. on the campaign trail yesterday, romney tried to take advantage of his strong showing in this week's debate. >> he will raise taxes on small business, which will kill jobs. i instead want to keep taxes down on small business so we can create jobs. >> the real mitt romney's been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy. >> a stronger president than we saw during the debate, huh? heading into the second debate, the obama campaign says it is changing strategy. advisers admit the president gave long-winded answers that did not connect emotionally with
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the audience. what a difference a day makes. >> absolutely. >> kind of timid and lethargic, you know, wednesday, and then that yesterday. >> absolutely. forget any preconceived notions you may have about elephants and their eating habits. take a look at these polite little elephants you see here with table manner that would make emily post smile. >> not only that, these asian elephants are working on maintaining their girlish figures by sticking with fresh fruits and veggies. they're visiting des moines, iowa, through the weekend as a part of the ring ling brothers barnum and bailey circus. >> they're so cute. i love elephants. >> it reminds me of our snack room at 2:00 a.m. >> i didn't get any snacks. nobody introduced me to the snack bar. >> wasn't the full-fledged, overnight orientation. >> when does that tour begin? i'm waiting for that one. >> it will come shortly, and caffeine. coming up next, late-night comics get their chance to weigh in on the debate. they showed no mercy.
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>> absolutely not. mixing religion, high school spobds alg sports and the enthusiasm of cheerleaders, how it led to a legal dispute. you're watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan
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so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine.
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out.
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♪ rah, rah, rah. there is a battle brewing in a texas town over the role of religion in football. the team's cheerleaders have been encouraging the players with bible verses printed on the bann eners i eners that then through at the start of the game. >> that didn't go over well with the school, and they banned the banners. the girls sued. the judge has given them two more weeks. abc's ryan owens takes a look at the controversy. >> reporter: in this small texas town they worship two things, god and football. so perhaps it only seemed natural the cheerleading squad at the high school would paint bible verses on those banners the players run through before every game. >> we just wanted to encourage the boys.
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>> reporter: but it apparently offended someone. the person complained to an atheist group. it amounted to a public school advocating a religion, and that's unconstitutional. >> it's not a christian school, and they cannot misuse their authority. >> reporter: in response the school superintendent forced them to stop the scriptures, so the cheerleaders put down the pom-poms, and picked up the phone, calling an attorney. he argues the banners are not school-sponsored, that the girls came up with the idea by looking at the social networking website pinterest. they saw cheerleaders in georgia did the same thing a few years ago. it turned out they were banned by their school too. >> it was student led and student initiated. >> reporter: this community is now cheering for the cheerleaders. signs of support are all over town and online. this facebook page dedicated to their fight now has nearly 50,000 followers. that's 25 times more people than live here.
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when people say, these people came to a football game, not to church, what do you say? >> i mean they have the right to say whatever they want to say. but i mean it's our religion and we want to portray that. >> reporter: ryan owens, abc news, texas. >> religion and public life always is a hot debate. >> if you ever have anything -- it's not a quiet. one side or the other. no in between. >> very little gray in that one. the judge said he need a few more weeks to issue a final ruling. he will allow the banners to continue on the field. next time this will hit court, october 18th for another hearing. we'll see what he says. >> yeah, a lot of people watching this one. >> there we go. we see them. we found a picture of you. >> my high school. look at those thighs. wow. >> look at that. you're looking toned and fit there, reena. >> i failed, by the way, my cheerleading tryouts. it's like, she's out the door. she is not the cheerleader. >> i like the picture. all right.
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still ahead, our friday morning version of "insomniac theatre." >> today, a live guest, director of the new movie called "smashed" that's getting rave reviews up next.
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>> we tur now we turn to a special edition of "insomniac theatre." now we turn to a special edition of "insomniac theatre." >> a new film debuted at sundance getting amazing reviews, "smashed" an alcoholic school teacher decide to get sober. >> the plot here is really interesting too. the couple, kate and charlie, they share a lot of things, but maybe their common bond is drinking. she decides to get sober. leads to a series of event. an intimate look at their relationship and family life. joining us to talk more about the movie, getting a ton of great press and good buzz, one and only director of the movie
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james ponsoldt. james, thank you so much for being here, man. >> thanks for having me. >> always appreciate having a real live human on "insomniac theatre." what was the motivation for the movie? >> "smashed" started as a conversation between myself and susan burke, co-writer, sharing stories of things we had done while we were drunk. i have a lot of stories. she has more than a wonderfully hilarious comedian, sober, stopped drinking in her early 20s. going to aa. experiences events were inspired by her own life. >> you have an all-star cast. >> yeah, really amazing cast. we have aaron paul, mary elizabeth winstead, nick offerman, megan mulaney. who is his wife who everyone knows as well as mary kay place who everyone knows. really, really lovely cast. >> how did you get people to sign up? this is like an all-star cast. how did you get them to do it? >> >> we begged, knocked on their doors, harassed them. they're artists really excited to play parts in a film they
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really cared about. >> what was the important part to you as a zrekter in terms of showing the evolution of this, particularly kate and struggles with alcohol, her family? what was important for you to capture about that?struggles wi family? what was important for you to capture about that?particularly with alcohol, her family? what was important for you to capture about that? what do you want people to walk away having said, ah, i get it? >> we are interested in not making a social issue film, or a feel bad film, or something that should feel good like a bowl of oatmeal, we wanted humor, that didn't make them broken. it could be any one you know. it really is a story, struggle, redemption in a youtube age of drunk people on the internet. it >> we all have a friend, battled addiction, one form or another. >> that's right. >> octavia spencer was on "the tonight show" talking about how she kind of got into character. >> yep. >> take a listen. >> you don't drink. did you do research for the role? what did you do? >> i don't drink, jay.
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i kept thinking, what does it feel like to be drunk? i would drink a glass of wine and fall asleep. and i always forgot what it felt like to be drunk. >> see, that's some character prep that people can relate to. >> what's the sense? alcoholism is such a heavy topic. how do you turn that into what you have created here? >> i think if you spend time in alcoholic anonymous meetings, you realize there's a lot of humor. that's how people use humor to process grief and deal with pain. people have shared experiences through that. i think it also allows an audience access and sort of an ability to deal with and subjects that can be really tough and doesn't just make you feel horrible, actually allows you to talk about your own use. >> congratulations here. one, the movie did well at sundance. early buzz, oscar buzz for lead character so far. one, congratulations. how does it feel to be, you know, to be in the spotlight? we're running out of time. we have a few seconds left. >> it's very exciting. we have a beautiful cast. and i'm excited for all the accolades that act tors are
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getting. they gave great performances. >> officially opens? >> october 12, in new york and los angeles. and will expand nationwide after that. >> thank you for being here. go check it out. a good one. we'll be back. um, hello.
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these ugly stains are ruining my good looks and style. and good luck using that cleaner. excuse me, miss ? he's right. those are tough hard water stains, and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, 85% of us have hard water and many don't even know it. you need lime-a-way. lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. it's 4 times more effective at removing lime scale than the leading bathroom cleaner. see the lime-a-way difference or your money back.
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♪ ha-ha-ha-ha-ha some say president obama's performance in wednesday night's debates were no laughing matter, but there are some men who would disagree with that. >> they are esteemed pundits of political humor, icons of late night laughter and a lack now at what they had to say. >> love this. >> he just told the moderator who works at pbs, i'm going to throw your ass out on the street, old man! you -- not only you, but all of those freeloading muppets. that takes not just one ball, but two, two enormous balls. ha-ha-ha!
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>> mitt romney won the debate last night, which means president obama lost two fights on his anniversary last night. the president seemed a little bit out of it last night. he had all the enthusiasm of a husband talking to his wife's friends at a dinner party. he kept looking down and frowning. it was like he was trying to find something on apple maps. the only thing that could have salvaged obama's performance last night is if the body of bin laden could have fell from the ceiling onto the stage. >> obama could have waterboarded alladin, put down blue, deported door ya the explorer and still won walking away. romney won with the sound up. romney won with the sound off.
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dude, he's yelling at you. look up. look up. what are you writing's so important. oh, that's -- i didn't realize. that is impressive work. >> oh, my gosh, i love that. >> that was good stuff, guys. >> great night. finally to another race, one as close as the presidential contest. >> "family circle's" cookie bake-off, ann romney's m&m versus michelle obama's white and dark chocolate chip cookies. >> another winner by 51.5% to 41.5%, 287 votes, michelle obama takes the sweep. here's a look at the cookies. 9,000 readers weighed in. the bake-off has been a bellwether of the election in four out of the five elections. that makes me feel hungry. >> no kidding. the first lady's cookies did better than the president. >> it was rough. >> it was rough. we'll be back. >>
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this morning on "world news now" -- romney's reversal. the candidate now says his comments about the 47% were 100% wrong. >> he is trying to build on his debate momentum, while president obama tries to regroup. it is friday, october 5th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm reena ninan in for paula faris today. >> paula's off spending a little time with her sister who's in town. enjoy the long weekend, ms. faris. your first time on the overnights. >> it is. >> you got to abc news, reena, how many months ago? >> probably six months ago now. >> you're still learning the ropes. >> still learning the ropes. i will take any tips you can offer.
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>> yeah. >> is there a little sheet you can pass off to me? >> there's bathrooms up there, and there's bathrooms down there. the snack room is up there. my tips. based in d.c., you are with us tonight. >> that's right -- looking forward to it. spending the morning with you, so early in the morning. is this night or morning? haven't figured it out? >> the fact that you have two very young kids at home, i'm impressed that you're still awake and smiling. i tip my hat. >> thank you, rob. thank you. >> nice to have you here. good morning, everybody, i'm a rob nelson. we'll get the latest from the campaign trail in just a second. also this half hour, millions of drivers are watching gas prices soar out of sight. $6 a gallon on the horizon in the state of california. ouch. then welcome to the 1%. we'll meet the iowa couple who've just come forward to claim the $200 million powerball prize. >> what a dream moment. find out, i hit those numbers. $200 million. >> i tell myself, it's 50% tax. don't feel bad if you don't win the lottery. >> i'll take the 100 mil. i could make it work for a couple of months.
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later on in the half hour, the diva drama on "american idol" still spinning out of control. nicki minaj versus mariah carey. and our own barbara walters has a huge scoop about a threat involving a gun. yeah, things got that serious. that's coming up in "the skinny." stay tuned. first, a major admission from mitt romney, the candidate now saying the remarks he made about the 47% were completely wrong. >> the reversal as romney tries to capitalize on his winning debate performance earlier this week. it is a critical time now with just over a month until election day. abc's t.j. winick covering the campaign for us. good morning, t.j. >> good morning, rob and reena. mitt romney rose to the occasion by all accounts on wednesday night, and now he looks to continue the momentum. seen by many political analysts and average voters as the winner, political challenger, mitt romney echoed his performance. >> he will raise taxes on small business which will kill jobs. i instead want to keep taxes down on small business so we can create jobs.
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>> it will be a few days before we'll know if romney's strong debate performance will translate into higher poll numbers. romney stumped in virginia for an early evening rally. >> when paul ryan and i get to washington, we will begin a real recovery that will put america back to work again. >> reaction from the president's supporters was immediate. >> i felt like he should have been more aggressive. >> mr. obama targeted what he said was the real difference between the quote, real mitt romney's budget plan and what his opponent said on stage. >> the fact is governor romney's math just doesn't add up. and i had to spend a lot of time last night trying to pin it down. >> he traveled to wisconsin where he told the second rally -- >> i just want to make sure i've got this straight. he'll get rid of regulations on wall street, but he's going to crack down on ""sesame street."" >> in a brutally frank admission, the obama campaign said they will make strategic changes after the disappointing debate performance wednesday night. rob and reena? >> all right.
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thanks a lot, t.j. interesting stat on the debates. 67 million people tuned in. it was the most watched debate since 1992, take you back, that was clinton. clinton, the first president bush, and ross perot. >> ross perot. >> remember ross perot? that was -- that was quite an election. >> lots of fodder for "saturday night live." >> whew, was it. i think it was dana carvey who did it. >> dana carvey, yeah. >> democratic operatives were hoping no one was watching the debate, which they knew wasn't the case, but -- >> people thought maybe 40 million, 50 million. 67 million no one expected the number. so that really compounds how bad it was. the president had a bad night that many people watching. again, that's momentum for romney to ride. he is. >> doesn't compare to the ratings for this show. nowhere near. nowhere near. >> 67 million. child's play for the overnight, please. well, a disagreement over politics got so heated that police say a south florida man
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slapped his own wife. 74-year-old jay hurley broke down in tears as he appeared before a broward county judge. hurley says he loves his wife but they got into an argument over dinner about the candidates. he has been ordered to stay away from her until another court appearance. phew, folks, it ain't that serious. calm down. wow. >> revved up. american airlines is canceling or delaying dozens of flights today in order to fix that dangerous safety problem involving seats. the carrier says it has figured out what was causing those seats to become loose. >> we had a very unique situation of a floor mounting track that had become somewhat worn, and it was coked up with drinks, sodas, things that had spilled down over time, causing the seats to become dislodged. american mechanics have to fix the air crafts. all the work expected to be done by tomorrow. a frightening scene in downtown san antonio after a school bus crashed through a highway guardrail and plunged nearly 20 feet onto the doorstep of a hotel below. the bus broke in two when it
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landed. amazingly, though, two adults and only a child on board suffered relatively minor injuries. lucky, lucky. >> very lucky there. gas prices are going up across the country, but in california, they're soaring to a panic level. hovering near the $6 mark. parts of the states are seeing prices at the pump nearing the highest point this year, jumping 8 cents in just one night. the uptick is being blamed on the supply problem due to refinery and pipeline outages. >> i have never seen $5.99, almost $6 a gallon. that's insane. >> it's a really terrible week for gas prices. and the worst week we have ever had in october i can remember. >> independent gas station owners have also been hit hard because they've been forced to bigas at daily rates, and some say their profit is maybe just around 10 cents a gallon. >> that is absolutely crazy. 10 cents a gallon profit. that's insane.
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$6 a gallon. talking, people freaking out over $5. now $6 -- could get up to $6 in the west. a state that doesn't rely on public transportation. drivers in the west feeling it. >> i would say get a vespa. i wanted to get a vespa. i live in the city. always wanted -- never told my parents or husband. secretly wanted a red vespa. >> you would drive it, you think it is cute, or friendly. >> cute, easy to snip in and out. my mother would be like terrified to know that. >> you know it's a glorified moped, but it is good on $6 a gallon of gas. that's for sure. >> that's right. all right. moving on to other news, a new wildfire burning out o of control in washington state. it is now threatening a dozen homes. the fire which is being fueled by bone dry conditions quickly scorched 150 acres, 40 miles southwest of seattle. some people were forced to evacuate. others have been put on notice. officials say no part of that fire has yet to be contained. also, people in fargo are bundling up this morning after getting their earliest snowfall in more than 25 years. the gusty winds made the snowfall seem a little more blustery.
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look at that. 6,500 homes and businesses lost power in all that mess. parts of northern minnesota faired a lot worse. they got more than a foot of snow. man, talking about snow, and it's not even halloween yet. it's october. i hate cold weather. >> but i prefer cold over warm and humid. >> really? >> yeah. definitely. any day. any day. >> that's where we part ways, reena. give me 90 degrees and sweaty any day. all right. well, here's your friday forecast. that cold blast continues across the rockies, plains, and midwest. chilly wet and windy from little rock and st. louis to chicago and buffalo. showers in orlando, miami. but humid along the gulf coast. >> summerlike on the east coast. 80s, in fact, from new york down to miami. yes. 50s from kansas city to detroit. 38 in billings and 41 in fargo. all right. well, time now for a new gesture we do on the show for our "favorite story of the day." we stamp it like that, and look at the graphics team. it comes through like that. >> oh, good.
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>> beautiful. well, this is our favorite story of the day. if you're a fan of all the cable tv wedding shows, you know how those nuptials can turn into major productions. >> i love the show. they are low key and one on one. unusual if you are guy named brad who has a little bit of seal in his blood, turning his proposal to emily into a full-blown epic. the cast included almost everyone they ever met. he finally ended up popping the question on the beach, by the way, evelyn did say yes. brad had fireworks ready to go as one would normally have for the proposal. i mean people are just topping each other over and over with youtube videos. >> it's crazy. you've got to keep up with the joneses when it comes to the engagement. how did your husband do it, subtle or -- >> it was pretty -- table mountain in capetown, south africa, had no idea it was coming. >> beautiful. >> i did tell him, honey, i'm
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getting married in september with or without you. so you decide. >> you set the ultimatum. >> you can be the groom or you can eat some wedding cake and be a guest. you decide, babe. >> i like that. >> wedding in september. >> with or without you. i like that. all right. well, coming up -- rumors about j.lo rocking a very prominent piece of jewelry. some rumors now about what she is up to. >> the iowa couple who did some homework before cashing in on a huge powerball prize. you're watching "world news now." ♪ money changes everything >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by cascade all-in-one complete. cascade all-in-one complete. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by cascade all-in-one complete. yes, you do! don't! i've washed a few cupcake tins in my day... oh, so you're a tin expert now. whoa nelly! hi, kitchen counselor here. he's actually right... with cascade complete. see cascade complete pacs work like thousands of micro-scrubbing brushes
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if you have a pulse, it's probably a dream of yours to win millions in the lottery. >> please. last week, the powerball jackpot was mar than 200 million bucks. yesterday the couple who won it stepped into the spotlight. we get more now from reporter phil craisen in des moines, iowa. >> ladies and gentlemen, it's time to announce, iowa's newest millionaires! [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: brian and mary losey walked down an aisle made by friends and family to claim their money thursday. >> so she called me at breakfast, and i didn't believe her. didn't believe her boss. >> mary is a medical assistant at mercy hospital, and brian is an attorney at a local insurance company. but the new millionaires found out they won, and both took a leave of absence.
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mary might go back to work because she loves it, but brian is still debating. >> we also had a wedding that weekend with good friends, and so we were able to get out of town and digest it as well as enjoy the weekending. >> their wedding gift got a lot better. >> one of the first things they did was go straight to their lawyer. they came up with a basic plan to save a lot, spend some, and donate a good deal of it to charity, including their church. >> everybody give a whoo-hoo, one, two, three. >> reporter: they're trying to not let the money go to their heads especially with their young kids. >> one, they're going to get a lot more dates, which is important to the 15-year-old. but just stay grounded and, you know, don't change the way we have raised them. >> our thanks to the reporter. that brings us to this morning's facebook question. >> we want to know how would you spend $200 million? the question everyone loves to talk about over the water cooler.
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right? log onto our facebook page to let us know. what would you do? what would be your one indulgent gift? >> a fantastic house some where in the middle of some tropical paradise. >> amen. we're on the same page with that. absolutely. look, there we are. rob and reena, $2 million. >> love it. just 1% of that. >> fine. >> i'll take the 99% and see you on the other side. >> i said 1% and you said you'll take the 99%? how does that work? i know i am new to the show. >> that's how it works. seniority, baby. nice to think about. oh, man. coming up next, more rumors circulating about rihanna and chris brown. and the "american idol" diva intensifies next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc stations. ncer: abc's "world n
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny welcome back, everybody. we've been talking all this week about an apparent feud going on behind "american idol" nicki minaj and mariah carey, two new judges for the season. we showed you the video, telling each other off. more like nicki was telling mariah carey off. it got very, very heated. apparently we're learning how bad it god. prior to the taping of "the view" on thursday, barbara
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walters, our own here at abc, interviewed mariah. mariah wasn't on the show, but barbara got on the show and kind of relaid what mariah told her in the interview how bad things really got. take a listen. >> she said when nicki minaj walked off the set, multiple people heard nicky say if i had a gun, i would shoot [ bleep ]. mariah says she can't take a chance and she has hired extra security. >> oh, my goodness. >> nicki has not apologized, but they've since been together at meetings with producers and judges. >> it's very intense. that got real scary. apparently nicki responded on twitter, i don't call tmz and barbara walters because i stand on my own two feet. never needed an army. god is good. insecurity is as cruel as the grave. i guess it hurts to have producers tell you to your face that nicki is the best judge since simon. oh, poor you. keep them lies coming. >> ow. ow. >> i don't know what's going on.
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rough behind the scenes, which will help ratings of course. >> yeah, little something intertwined. >> stay tuned. >> well, chris brown, rihanna. >> more drama. you know, we thought it was over. you remember the whole incident with them, getting into it. and, well, apparently he's dumped his girlfriend/model. and he is back with rihanna, the rumors. they were at a jay-z concert. they were seen hooking up. >> we were talking about it yesterday, hooking up at a club in new york. >> so are they back together? are they not? he dumped the girlfriend apparently. >> that's the big development this morning. he is out of there. spotted leaving her hotel. spotted getting their groove on in the hotel. breaking up with his girlfriend. he said he broke up with her probably because of his friendship with rihanna. think what you will about that one, but you saw how it ended the first time, right? and we saw the debate. the debates go on and on and on. tmz caught up with jim lehrer moderator of the debate. there was this whole controversy over the debaters, the moderators are not supposed to sort of step into the debates and be kind of quiet. maybe was jim lehrer a little too quiet? tmz caught up. this is what he had to say.
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>> do you feel you were disrespected by president obama and governor romney? >> i didn't expect much. i didn't have a lot of expectations. >> they were worried that he was treated like a doormat was the possibility. >> yeah. they both kind of ran right over him. give me more time. i'm going to continue. jim didn't seem to have a lot of control in the debate. >> it's hard, though, rob. >> it's intimidating. how do you tell the president, how do you control that? there has to be a better way. other people have done it a better way. i don't think other moderators, whether it's our own martha raddatz or candy crowley, i think you would have seen a different tone. >> should have considered simon cowell. for this role. exactly. >> exactly. >> who was on -- >> jim, 12th, perhaps final. real quick news here. j.lo in paris for fashion week, sporting a huge rock. couldn't get the picture -- couldn't afford it.
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spent all money on tacos. a huge rock. rumors she will marry caspar smart, backup dancer, rocking a big ring at the show. apparently husband number 18 could be on the way for jennifer lopez. could be on the way for jennifer lopez. ldberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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♪ last friday night ♪ yeah we danced on table tops ♪ yast friday night ♪ last friday night ♪ yeah we danced on table tops ♪ and we took too many shots i think we kissed but i forgot ♪ ♪ last friday night >> we both are getting too old to remember who sings that. i'm totally blanking. all right. katy perry. thank you. >> oh, katy perry. >> there we go. from politics to airline anxiety, to a high-profile broken marriage. >> time for our look back at a memorable week. here's our "friday rewind." >> i know folks in the media are speculating already on who is going to have the best zingers. >> you are. >> i don't know about that. no, no.
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governor romney, he's a good debater. >> president obama is a very gifted speaker. the man has been on the national stage for many years. >> i have absolute confidence when we get morf o yoit brand-n3 da policies, middle-income pamev b, i will not under any circumstances raise taxes on middle-income families. >> now, five weeks before the election, he is saying that his big bold idea is never mind. >> this time he seemed just a little bit detached at times. didn't want to be there. >> knowing he is behind. he need to win. came in and fought the fight ststic on the laps of the passengers behind them with their legs up in the air. that i've never seen anything like that in all my years, 30 years of covering the airline industry. >> you say you are optimistic 3 t you and maria will one day
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>> well, i always was an optimistic person. i think that it is because it's -- everyone is interested in that. i'm sure that -- maybe maria doesn't say that, but i'm sure that maria wishes we could all be together. >> ethel kennedy was asked what she would think of having you as a granddaughter-in-law and she said we could be so lucky. >> she is fantastic. i love her. >> you know nothing about me, but what you see on the outside. and i am much more than a number on a scale. >> kids are bullying do not let them bring you down. stand up for what you believe in. go with your heart. go with your gut. >> amazing what goesthe course ok hu wow! >> fascinating to watch. >> fasciis ing to watch. sometimes wr y >> that's r we'een tweet us yos sh us exactly what you're doing at this hour. i'm only in my 60's...
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i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now.
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